IMOTI BG is a dynamically developing company in the consultant’s business; it offers its clients different kinds of consultations, property management, legal and marketing analysis of the supply and demand on the real-estate-market.

IMOTI BG specializes in the area of management and realization of foreign and Bulgarian investments. Its authority builds upon the analytic approach and the knowing of the specific conditions on the real-estate market. Among our clients are a variety of foreign companies with interests on the Bulgarian market.

The company’s indisputable authority is based on our professionality and on the creative and individual approach to each client of the dynamical IMOTI BG-team. Our employees are young, highly educated and ambitious people, who aim at offering our clients a precisely developed market analysis, as well as assisting them in the process of contract-signing while keeping in mind the client’s best interest.

Our team has a thorough and varied language-training, as well as knowledge in the area of the Bulgarian legislation and other countries’ legislative systems. All these qualities allow our company to practice consulting and meditative services for foreign physical persons and legal entities.

Entirely in the modern times’ spirit, our team is qualified, it uses all contemporary kinds of communication and it constantly enriches its means of dialogue with the clients.

Along with the constant team-members, IMOTI BG has also an associated group of consultants: economists, legal advisors, architects and other specialists, which serve as advisors in our clients’ best interest.

Abaout us

Serving you since 1999
The important thing is not to be afraid to take the chance. Remember, the biggest failure is when you didn't try.

Lubomir Stanimirov

Company CEO

Our Team

Tatyana Surcheva

 0879 402 149
[email protected]

Mariana Kostova

 0899 870 126
[email protected]

Krum Stamenov

 0886 818 329
[email protected]

Stefan Atanasov

 0885 402 423
[email protected]
 0885 402 423

Andrey Angelov

 0876 693 516
[email protected]

Viktoriya Avramova

 0882 424 160
[email protected]

Fun Facts

Properties Listed
Satisfied Clients
Properties Sold
Day we are here